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  • Writer's pictureRoman Jewelers

Know About 4Cs Before You Design Your Own Diamond Engagement Ring

When it comes to beauty, what strikes you first? Is it the dress, shoes, or ornaments? Well, styles have got different meanings and definitions for different people. Of course, your choice and style sense will differ from others. But there is the only item which every hipster believes as real beauty, the diamond.

As you know, the diamond is rare; the diamond is beautiful. A simple diamond touch can turn your overall look. Diamond rings are the most common gift ornaments. Nowadays, the diamond ring is mandatory for weddings and pre-wedding. So, if you are getting ready for your engagement, you must design your own engagement ring beforehand.

The Famous 4Cs

While buying a perfect diamond ring for your loved one, you must know about the famous 4Cs, a universal method for assessing the diamond quality while you build your own diamond ring, which you should keep in mind.

  • Carat- It refers to the weight of the diamond. It depends upon the diamonds cut and shape.

  • Cut- Diamond is of no use if they have no brilliance, which comes from a perfect cut. Diamond’s angles, symmetricity, brilliance, and finishing depends upon the perfect cut. As per GIA scale on which diamond cut measure are Ideal, excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor. Ideal and excellent are known for the maximum level of brilliance. While designing your own diamond ring, you should check that there is no yellow tint visible on the diamond.

  • Color- GIA scale from D to Z, which measures how white or colorless the diamond is. D for the most colorless diamond, it means the best and Z stands for poor quality diamond having yellow or brown tint.

  • Clarity- It shows how clean the diamond is both in the context of inclusions and blemishes. GIA categorize into ten categories depending upon flaw and clarity in the diamond. FL stands for flawless while IF stands for Internal flaw. Choose your own ring stylesbased on the lawless clarity.

One must not hesitate or feel ashamed about their choice. Practice leads to impeccable results. The same thing is applied when it comes to jewelry. You must choose your own ring styles or any other accessories as from that you get clear ideas about what suits you the best. So, whenever you visit any diamond jewelry shop, the first thing you must do is let them know how you would like to create your own wedding ring or any other purpose jewelry. Diamond is such beautiful accessories that will add more beauty to your appearance.

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